There must be someplace else that has these Steam Cloud Saves. Just turning off Steam Cloud save and trying restored backups here didn't work at all. I've tried several combinations like "Steam\userdata\\41500\remote" which seems to be some kind of compressed version of the save file, and probably the Steam Cloud save file itself. I've been trying to recover Torchlight games where i accidentally sold some blinged-out gear, making it too expensive to buy back. (once or twice but i just stayed off steam for like 1 or 2 days and things got restored to a few days prior to failure, so Valve or game publisher must have restored from some archives).

I've never really ever had a problem with Steam Cloud Save in any game. There seem to be a lot of places where there are saved files. In Torchlight II we can actually see the names of the characters we want to restore, so the instructions are a little different, but I have restored a bunch of my missing characters and my stash on Torchlight II using a version of this method. I'm not an expert and hope I'm not steering you wrong. I apologize if I've oversimplified things, but I don't know your level of expertise, so I have just added as much detail as possible. If you have disabled the Steam Cloud, this is how you can keep your progress on your games safe, This will be handy if you ever change computers. You can also save this folder to an external drive/disk/whatever. This is just an extra fail-safe in case the game does a major messup with it's own saves. I give each backup a consecutive number name, so if my most recent backup is defective, I can still use an earlier backup. Now, whenever I exit the game, I can quickly access the game's save folder and copy it to my personal backup folder for the game.
#How to save torchlight game windows 10
(In Windows 10 I just right click on the desktop and tell it to create a new folder.) I gave it an appropriate title and even changed it's icon to a Torchlight icon. I then created a new, blank folder for my backup saves. I just did a right-click on the folder and chose the option to send it to my desktop (create a shortcut). One folder is the actual game folder that contains the save files. I have placed two types of folders on my desktop for saving my game files. I make my own physical backups of the save files for both Torchlight and Torchlight II. So, if you have not already done so, I would disable the Steam Cloud for this game. I have lost a LOT of characters and stash on Torchlight II due to the Steam Cloud malfunctioning. That might actually be the most recent save, I'm not sure, since I don't usually lose characters from the original Torchlight. I also notice there is a "backup.tmp" file. If your stash wasn't restored when your character was restored you could try doing something similar with the stash file. You will notice that there are also a few "stash.bin" files.

Hopefully that will fix the problem and restore your stash as well. Next, move the most recent save (the one you made a copy of) and put it in another safe place. Make a copy of the most recent save and put it in a safe place (this is insurance in case something goes wrong or this suggestion doesn't work). Open that and find a file that is dated one day or time less recent than the most recent save. Once you find and open it, you will find a file titled "save". Try to find the Torchlight game files on your computer. I've never done this for Torchlight but I've done something similar for Torchlight II. Edit: The suggestions here do not work for Torchlight I.